Patient Information


Useful links

The following websites may provide some additional useful information about your condition. The content of these sites is maintained by the relevant organisation. Feel free to discuss this at your consultation.

Lung Foundation Australia

MND and Me Foundation

National Asthma Council Australia

Cancer Council Queensland

Bronchiectasis Toolbox

Pulmonary Rehabilitation Toolkit


Australasian Sleep Association


Alex, Lauren and Tom use standardised and evidence-based questionnaires to help monitor and understand your progress over time. Tracking the change in your scores helps us to know if the current treatment is working. You may be asked to fill one of these out in the waiting room!

Leicester Cough Questionnaire (LCQ)

The LCQ was developed to help understand the impact of chronic cough on your quality of life.

Asthma Control Questionnaire (ACQ5)

The ACQ5 is validated measure of the severity of your asthma and can be used to compare asthma control from one visit to the next, on different treatments, or at different times of year. Alex and Lauren will review your ACQ5 score on each visit.

COPD Assessment Tool (CAT)

The CAT is designed to assess the impact of COPD on your life. It can be serially monitored to track your progress.

Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS)

The Epworth Sleepiness Scale was developed in Australia at the Epworth Hospital. It has been translated into many languages and remains a key element in sleep medicine to assess and monitor how sleepy you feel in common situations. The higher the score, the sleepier you are.

International Restless Legs Severity Score (IRLSS)

The IRLSS was developed to assess how severely your restless legs problem impacts on your sleep and quality of life. The score on the IRLSS is used to determine eligibility for some of the commonly prescribed medicines for the condition.

Insomnia Questionnaire

Insomnia can be triggered or exacerbated by many different factors. It often has a marked effect on one's ability to work, study and enjoy leisure time. This questionnaire helps to understand some of the causes of insomnia that you may be experiencing in order to better tailor treatment for you.

Sleep Diary

The sleep diary allows you to record you sleep patterns over a 2-4 week period. This can help us to identify possible issues with sleep patterns and sleep routines that might be impacting on your sleep quality.